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How to be Just a Christian

If you are interested in becoming "Just a Christian" the below study is to help you do that along with Prayer of course and if you'd like someone to help you study please don't hesitate to reach out.

Step 1: Hear the “Word”

* 2 Timothy 3:16-17
the “Word” written and is profitable for your ____________, _______________, ________________, _____________ in ________________. that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

* Romans 15:4 the “Word” written in Old testament for your ______________ so that you may have __________.

* Romans 10:17 So then Faith comes by _________ and ___________ by the “Word” of God.

* John 20:30-31 these are written in the “Word” so that you may __________ that _____________ is the ___________ the Son of ________ and that believing you may have ___________ in His name.

*1 Thessalonians 2:13 Not as the word of men but as it is in truth, the _________ of _________ which also effectively works in you who believe.

John 12:48 What will Judge you in the last day? The ______. Step 2: Believe

What must I Believe?
Mark 1:15 Believe in the ___________
John 2:22 Believe the ___________________
John 14:1 Believe in _____________
John 12:36 Believe in the ______________
John 17: 1 & 21 Believe God sent _____________
John 14:26 Believe God sent the ______ ________
John 6: 69 Believe Jesus is the ____ of the ___________ _______
James 2:19 Believe there is _______God.
Acts 10:39 Believe Jesus was put to death on the ____________
1 Thessalonians 4:14 Believe Jesus died and _______ __________
1 John 1:7 Believe Jesus Blood cleanses you from _______ _______

What will happen if you Believe?
John 20:29 Believe and be _________
Mark 9:23 Believe and all things will be ____________
Mark 16:16 Believes and is Baptized will be __________

Step 3: Repent (Turn from sin and to God)

Who tells you to repent?

Matthew 4:17 From the time _________began to preach and to say Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Acts 17:30 _________now commands all men everywhere to repent

Step 4: Confess

What must you Confess?

Matthew 16:15-16 Must confess that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of _______.
John 11:27 Must confess that Jesus is the Christ the ______ of _______.
1 John 4:15 Must confess that Jesus is the Christ, the _________ of _____

How must you confess Jesus?
Matthew 10:32 Must confess before _______
Romans 10:9-10 Must confess with your _______

Step 5: Be Baptized! (immersed in water)
Acts 22:16 Baptized to wash away your _________
Revelation 1:5 Baptized to wash away your sins by the _________ of Jesus
Romans 6:4 Baptized to walk in newness of _________
Acts 2:41 & 47 Baptized to be added to the _________ __________
1 Peter 3:21 Baptized to be __________
John 3:3-6 Baptized to be _________ again.

How are you Baptized?
Acts 8:38-39 Baptized by going down into the ________
and coming back up out of the ____________
Colossians 2:12 Baptized by being _________ in the water

Into what are you Baptized?
Galations 3:27 Baptized into ___________
Romans 6:3 Baptized into Christ's __________
1 Corinthians 12:13 Baptized into one __________

What will you receive when you are Baptized?
Acts 2:38 Will receive forgiveness of _______ and the gift of the _______ _________

You have heard the “Word” of God! Do you ___________ what you have heard? Do you believe that Jesus is the ________ of _________? Do you believe that Jesus ________ for your sins, was buried and rose again on the third day? Have you changed your mind about, or _____________ of your sins? Are you willing to _________ Jesus is the Christ the son of God? If so you are ready to be ____________for the forgiveness of your sins.

Please do not let the thought of perfection keep you from God. Pray about it, and once you are Baptized and added to the Body let your walk with God do all the rest in God's time.

Moab Church of Christ

456 Emma Blvd.

Moab Utah 84532


Phone 435) 259-6690

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